Tag: teams
Why Talented People Don’t Use Their Strengths
As a leader, the challenge is not only to spot talent but also to convince your people that you value their talents and that they should, too. This is how you start to build a team of employees who bring their superpowers to work. We often undervalue what we inherently do well. Source: Why Talented…
Hire the Best People, and Let Them Work from Wherever They Are
Agreed! Just be sure they can excel on a virtual team. Source: Hire the Best People, and Let Them Work from Wherever They Are
9 Problems That UX Teams Face and How to Solve Them
Making change takes time and effort. But the most important to remember is that this needs to be a whole team effort. Everyone needs to be behind it, supporting each other and working towards a common Source: 9 Problems That UX Teams Face and How to Solve Them