Superstore, Shoppers Drug Mart customers say they were forced to use self-checkout | CBC News

UX Fail and a half! Great examples of user feedback too.

Some Superstore and Shoppers Drug Mart customers are upset after they say they were forced to use self-checkout to pay for their purchases. Owner Loblaw says it expects stores to always offer a cashier option.

Source: Superstore, Shoppers Drug Mart customers say they were forced to use self-checkout | CBC News

User Test Content Before You Start Design | UX Booth

Testing real content with users is often seen as a part of final usability testing. Low-fidelity wireframe testing may include only microcopy, headlines, or call-to-actions. Treejack testing highlights organizational issues in navigation or classification. Rarely is content tested prior to design. But why is this when content is what fills the designs and lead users through interactions and flows?

Source: User Test Content Before You Start Design | UX Booth

How the BBC Visual and Data Journalism team works with graphics in R

“R’s “ggplot2 gives you far more control and creativity than a chart tool and allows you to go beyond a limited number of graphics. Working with scripts saves a huge amount of time and effort, in particular when working with data that needs updating regularly, with reproducibility a key requirement of our workflow.”

Over the past year, we‘ve fundamentally changed how we produce graphics.

Source: How the BBC Visual and Data Journalism team works with graphics in R

Cheers SH!


Toolkit Navigator – Observatory of Public Sector Innovation Observatory of Public Sector Innovation

A plethora of free innovation toolkits, playbooks and guides exist to help people identify, develop and practice necessary skills and apply new ways of reaching an outcome.

Source: Toolkit Navigator – Observatory of Public Sector Innovation Observatory of Public Sector Innovation

Design with intersectionality in mind

Designing beyond accessibility, sex, and gender. This TED talk will make you think.

Applying an intersectional approach helps you assess the potential impacts – positive or negative – of initiatives based on their multiple identity factors, enabling you to identify risks, and potential challenges at an early stage and create mitigation strategies. Applying an intersectional approach should be done at all stages of an initiative, from development to implementation. Considering and identifying the diversity and multiple identity factors of people helps us to innovate and to consider issues and policies in a different way.

Kimberlé Crenshaw: The urgency of intersectionality | TED Talk