JavaScript for Designers – video training series

They had me at “tired”….

Source: JavaScript for Designers – video training series

Hey designers! Let me guess, you’re:

  • tired of being the “designer that doesn’t know JavaScript”

  • tired of copy/pasting bloated JavaScript into your projects

  • excited to own the entire front-end experience

  • ready to build fully functional HTML prototypes

Simpler R coding with pipes > the present and future of the magrittr package | R-statistics blog

Just started learning R and this post is really well written for a newbie like moi.

This is a guest post by Stefan Milton, the author of the magrittr package which introduces the %>% operator to R programming. Preface (by Tal Galili) I was first introduced to the %>% (a.k.a: pipe) operator in R, thanks

Source: Simpler R coding with pipes > the present and future of the magrittr package | R-statistics blog

This new tool uses Google Maps to calculate a city’s carbon footprint

The Environmental Insights Explorer calculates emissions from buildings, car trips, and public transport to illustrate how a city’s sustainability efforts are faring.

Source: This new tool uses Google Maps to calculate a city’s carbon footprint

Data-Informed Design: Minimize the Website Redesign Debate | UX Booth

Starting off with using data to inform your design decisions can help you get you off on the right foot.

The process of redesigning a website (and keeping stakeholders happy) is complicated at best, grueling at worst. This week, UX Booth columnist Jennifer Leigh Brown explores how to navigate website redesigns by arming designers with data.

Source: Data-Informed Design: Minimize the Website Redesign Debate | UX Booth

Government’s content strategy is the linchpin of citizen experience | UX Booth

Time to save government as I say everyone morning….

The future of good government hinges on content strategy. Ultimately, content planning, organization, usability, and governance for online systems — and the human-to-human interactions they facilitate — affect the lives of people who use them every day. If the content strategy is bad, so goes the citizen experience.

Source: Government’s content strategy is the linchpin of citizen experience | UX Booth

Content First, Design Second: Prototyping with Words and Adobe XD

I have been saying this all along since my UBC days….”CONTENT FIRST!”

In order to create the most usable interfaces, content can’t be an afterthought — words alone can define the experience of an app.

Source: Content First, Design Second: Prototyping with Words and Adobe XD

What kind of shopper are you?

New Canadian research has revealed key information about holiday shoppers’ behaviour. They are browsing and purchasing over longer stretches of time, and it’s more important than ever for you to be there for them earlier in the season.

Google analyzes and describe four types of Canadian holiday shoppers and explains how marketers can best help them navigate the holiday season.

A really nice, insightful and easy to read report. Great responsive design layout too.

Source: Think with Google