Category: Resources

Simpler R coding with pipes > the present and future of the magrittr package | R-statistics blog

Just started learning R and this post is really well written for a newbie like moi.

This is a guest post by Stefan Milton, the author of the magrittr package which introduces the %>% operator to R programming. Preface (by Tal Galili) I was first introduced to the %>% (a.k.a: pipe) operator in R, thanks

Source: Simpler R coding with pipes > the present and future of the magrittr package | R-statistics blog

Color Oracle

You can finally walk in colour-blind person’s shoes with this tool.

Color Oracle is a free color blindness simulator for Window, Mac and Linux. It takes the guesswork out of designing for color blindness by showing you in real time what people with common color vision impairments will see.

Source: Color Oracle