HTML5 accessibility

HTML 5 Accessibility

This site tests which new HTML5 features are accessibly supported by major browsers. This includes if they are keyboard accessible, mapped to the platform accessibility APIs, and if any accessibility related features are supported. An accessibly supported feature means it is usable by people who rely on assistive technology, without developers having to supplement with ARIA or other additional workarounds.

Source: HTML5 accessibility

Design Mock-Ups Need Dynamic Content: Tools and Plugins – Smashing Magazine

Nothing is perfect on the web, so our mock-ups shouldn’t pretend otherwise. Some helpful tools and plugins for using dynamic content in our deliverables.

Source: Design Mock-Ups Need Dynamic Content: Tools and Plugins – Smashing Magazine

In practice, mock-ups usually represent a perfect experience in a perfect context with perfect data which doesn’t really exist. A good example for it are “optimal” usernames which are perfectly short, fit on a single line on mobile and wrap nicely, or perfect photography that allows for perfectly legible text overlays. It’s not realistic. We need to work with dynamic content in our prototypes, with both average and extremes being represented.

We need to craft future-proof experiences, too. What if your interface design would need to be translated into other languages?

UX Performance Metrics: How to Measure Change User Experience Magazine

So how do we in government know if we’re really making a difference? Using the power of usability testing, we can redesign content and prove that citizens can read and use it easily, without help. But we can take it a step further.

Source: UX Performance Metrics: How to Measure Change User Experience Magazine