This new tool uses Google Maps to calculate a city’s carbon footprint

The Environmental Insights Explorer calculates emissions from buildings, car trips, and public transport to illustrate how a city’s sustainability efforts are faring.

Source: This new tool uses Google Maps to calculate a city’s carbon footprint

Metrics That Matter: A New Framework to Reveal Truly Actionable Insights | ClickZ

“What’s measureable? Almost anything. What’s meaningful? That’s another question altogether.”

Pelin Thorogood

A guide to which metrics to focus on and which ones to ignore, charting an evolutionary analytics process that will progressively deliver more impact on that

Source: Metrics That Matter: A New Framework to Reveal Truly Actionable Insights | ClickZ

Design Criticism and the Creative Process

In every design project, at some point we quit what we’re doing and share our unfinished work with colleagues or clients. This begs the question: Just what does the critique do for the design and the rest of the project? Do critiques really help and are they necessary? If so, how do we use their inconsistencies to improve our creative output? Cassie McDaniel explores how critiques can help us navigate complex processes and projects and collaborate effectively to create original and engaging work.

Source: Design Criticism and the Creative Process