My Journey into Voice Prototyping | UX Booth

Interesting stat to the start the article: “According to Oberlo, approximately 71% of consumers even prefer to use voice searches over typing, so it goes without saying that people want to use their voices to complete actions. ”

Tools such as Figma and Invision can easily simulate the functions of a “clickable” user interface but are incapable of interactions by voice. Different prototyping tools are needed that allow users to actually speak to and hear audio feedback from an application. In this article, UX design researcher Jeff Villa shares his experiences and tips for creating a voice prototype using a tool called Voiceflow.

Source: My Journey into Voice Prototyping | UX Booth

Content First, Design Second: Prototyping with Words and Adobe XD

I have been saying this all along since my UBC days….”CONTENT FIRST!”

In order to create the most usable interfaces, content can’t be an afterthought — words alone can define the experience of an app.

Source: Content First, Design Second: Prototyping with Words and Adobe XD

Simon Whatley – Nordstrom’s Innovation Lab: Sunglasses iPad app case study

By applying a healthy dose of Lean and Agile methodologies to projects, the waterfall model of software development has been replaced leading to rapid

Source: Simon Whatley – Nordstrom’s Innovation Lab: Sunglasses iPad app case study