How the BBC Visual and Data Journalism team works with graphics in R

“R’s “ggplot2 gives you far more control and creativity than a chart tool and allows you to go beyond a limited number of graphics. Working with scripts saves a huge amount of time and effort, in particular when working with data that needs updating regularly, with reproducibility a key requirement of our workflow.”

Over the past year, we‘ve fundamentally changed how we produce graphics.

Source: How the BBC Visual and Data Journalism team works with graphics in R

Cheers SH!


Simpler R coding with pipes > the present and future of the magrittr package | R-statistics blog

Just started learning R and this post is really well written for a newbie like moi.

This is a guest post by Stefan Milton, the author of the magrittr package which introduces the %>% operator to R programming. Preface (by Tal Galili) I was first introduced to the %>% (a.k.a: pipe) operator in R, thanks

Source: Simpler R coding with pipes > the present and future of the magrittr package | R-statistics blog