Breaking Down Persuasive Design Principles | Toptal

Content and design tactics that provides advice, influences, “persuades”, informs,  and that ultimately helps the user make a decision….

When used properly and ethically, persuasive design principles are powerful tools for building meaningful products that help people make better decisions and boost UX. #product #startup #tips #web #app #design #ux #ui

Source: Breaking Down Persuasive Design Principles | Toptal

Why Talented People Don’t Use Their Strengths

As a leader, the challenge is not only to spot talent but also to convince your people that you value their talents and that they should, too. This is how you start to build a team of employees who bring their superpowers to work.

We often undervalue what we inherently do well.

Source: Why Talented People Don’t Use Their Strengths

The UX Process for Information Architecture | Toptal

A good primer on IA.

How UX designers and information architects define information architecture, build the information architecture diagram, understand IA design, and understand visual hierarchy. Read to learn what information architecture is.

Source: The UX Process for Information Architecture | Toptal

All Together Now – An Overview of Inclusive Design | Toptal

A really good primer.

Instead of looking at a single solution to a design problem, inclusive design asks UX designers to look at all the ways people can participate in the main function of a website. #product #design #ux #accessibility #universaldesign #webdesign

Source: All Together Now – An Overview of Inclusive Design | Toptal

Breaking Down the Principles of Design (with Infographic) | Toptal

Nice summary and a good infographic to print out.

Understanding the principles of design and how they interact with one another is of paramount importance for both new and expert designers alike. Implementing them purposefully and intentionally in design projects is key to creating visually appealing and functional designs.

Source: Breaking Down the Principles of Design (with Infographic) | Toptal