Content First, Design Second: Prototyping with Words and Adobe XD

I have been saying this all along since my UBC days….”CONTENT FIRST!”

In order to create the most usable interfaces, content can’t be an afterthought — words alone can define the experience of an app.

Source: Content First, Design Second: Prototyping with Words and Adobe XD

Design Principles: a guide to less shitty feedback – Apegroup — Behind the Screens – Medium

It’s funny, I have seen so many UX Designers not take criticism well. They often default to place all the blame on the client/product owner.

Design Principles are a set of statements that communicate what we want from a project or product. It’s a way for everyone to agree on a couple of core principles that the work should be measured by. By determining these ideas early on, you create a framework that will help you take design decisions and give constructive feedback.

Source: Design Principles: a guide to less shitty feedback – Apegroup — Behind the Screens – Medium

Natasha Jen: Design Thinking Is Bullshit – 99U

If Google Image search is your sole barometer, “design thinking uses just one tool: 3M Post-Its,” says Pentagram partner Natasha Jen. “Why did we end up with a single medium? Charles and Ray Eames worked in a complete lack of Post-It stickies. They learned by doing.” In her provocative 99U talk, Jen lobbies for the “Crit” over the “Post-It” when it comes to moving design forward.

Source: Natasha Jen: Design Thinking Is Bullshit – 99U